Moda made in Italy and Made in Positano
The fashion Made in Positano is the essence of the Italian fashion!
One of the maximum expressions of the Italian culture is exactly the fashion made in Italy. The so-called Italian fashion is, in fact, one of the highest manifestations of the sartorial formation, knowledge, and preparation to create quality garments, all the characteristics that are alive in the Positano fashion.
In fact, the Positano fashion is the Italian fashion, simply because it is a social and cultural phenomenon. Indisputably, the Italian fashion is an icon of elegance and style appreciated all over the world.
Italy, therefore, gave shape and life to one of the symbols that characterize exactly the Italian fashion, respectively to the Positano fashion, an emblem of politeness and class that is celebrated and known all over the world. All the valence and the multiple meanings of the Italian fashion and that expressed by the Positano fashion find in the Mastro Moda brand an exemplary true shape of creative and artisanal art.
On the streets of the international shopping, all over the world, shine the garments of the Italian fashion. The success of the Positano fashion is the result of a long history that progressed together with the very evolution of the society and culture.
In fact, the fashion has not always been the core of the Italian preoccupations. Between 1950 and 1965, for example, the Italians were mainly opting for practical and resistant wear. Only the Italian high society was preoccupied of following the tendencies.
The years between 1965 and 1975 were heavily influenced by the economic and social changes. From the 50s to the modern tendencies, through the glamor of the cinema stars and the sensuality of the great actresses that were fascinated by the Positano fashion and by the made in Italy, has passed a lot of time.
The mix of style and elegance evolved with the history, therefore, to satisfy the social and economic changes of the country, now the Italian fashion is recognized as a sublimation of beauty and sensuality both by the women and by the men.
In conclusion, the charm of the Positano fashion is more alive than ever.
Il team di MastroModa è l’espressione stessa di Positano. Non per nulla, siamo una famiglia animata dal grande amore verso l’intramontabile moda Positano.
Fratelli che si dedicano, oramai da molto tempo, a fare in modo che l’artigianato moda Positano brilli sempre più nel firmamento della moda.
Mastro Moda Positano,
Via Monsignor Saverio 5,
84017 Positano (SA),
Call: +39 089 81 12 39
Dal Lunedì al Venerdì: dalle 09,00 alle 19,00
Sabato: dalle 9,00 alle 14,00
Domenica: Chiuso (aperto solo su appuntamento)